Justia Summary In the 1970s, federal district courts began ordering disgorgement in Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement proceedings. The Commission...
Justia Summary The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act authorizes private lawsuits and fines against “debt collector,” defined as anyone who...
Justia Summary Sherman paid $2.7 million for land in Chester, New York, then sought approval of his development plan. Years...
Justia Summary Under the Civil Service Reform Act, the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) has the power to review certain...
Justia Summary In 2007-2008, Lehman Brothers raised capital through public securities offerings. Petitioner, the largest public pension fund in the...
Justia Summary Lee moved to the U.S. from South Korea with his parents when he was 13. For 35 years...
Justia Summary The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) obligates private employers offering pension plans to adhere to rules designed...
Justia Summary The owners of Microsoft’s videogame console, Xbox 360, filed a putative class action alleging a design defect. The...
Justia Summary The St. Croix River, part of the boundary between Wisconsin and Minnesota, is protected under federal, state, and...
Justia Summary Defendants were indicted for the kidnapping, robbery, and murder of Catherine Fuller. The prosecution argued that Fuller was...