Justia Summary The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), makes it a crime to invest income derived from a...
Justia Summary Texas House Bill 2 (2013) required that a “physician performing or inducing an abortion . . . must,...
Justia Summary Taylor and other gang members twice broke into homes of marijuana dealers, demanded drugs and money, found neither,...
Justia Summary Detective Fackrell conducted surveillance on a South Salt Lake City residence based on an anonymous tip about drug...
Justia Summary In 1997, Louisville police found the bodies of Malone and Warfield in their apartment. Malone had been stabbed....
Justia Summary Zivotofsky was born to U.S. citizens living in Jerusalem. Under the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, 2003, 116 Stat....
Justia Summary DIRECTV and its customers entered into service agreements that included a binding arbitration provision with a class-arbitration waiver....
Justia Summary Kulbicki shot his girlfriend during the weekend before a scheduled hearing about unpaid child support. At Kulbicki’s 1995...
Justia Summary Respondent, a California resident, filed suit against OBB, an Austrian state-owned railway, after she suffered injuries from falling...
Justia Summary Barkes was arrested in 2004, for violating probation, and taken to a Wilmington Delaware Correctional Institution. During intake,...