Justia Summary Hutton accused Mitchell and Simmons of stealing a sewing machine in which he had hidden $750. On September...
Justia Summary In 1999, LeBlanc, then age 16, raped a 62- year-old woman. In 2003, a state trial court sentenced...
Justia Summary Terry managed sales and inventory for a Tennessee hardware store owned by his brother, Tony. They were indicted...
Justia Summary In petitioner’s state capital murder trial, the court overruled counsel’s objection to a proposed jury and submitted the...
Justia Summary Plaintiffs, most of whom are not California residents, sued BMS in California state court, alleging that the pharmaceutical...
Justia Summary The Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act, concerning FDA approval of a drug that is biosimilar to an...
Justia Summary Maslenjak is an ethnic Serb who resided in Bosnia during the civil war. In 1998, she and her...
Justia Summary In 1985, Alabama charged McWilliams with rape and murder, one month after the Supreme Court’s decision in Ake...
Justia Summary When petitioner was tried, the Massachusetts courtroom could not accommodate all potential jurors. During jury selection, a court...
Justia Summary Trinity Lutheran Child Learning Center, operating on church property, sought to replace its playground’s gravel surface by participating...